近日,华银医药收到来自英国朗道实验诊断有限公司Randox的新型冠状病毒分子检测全球室间质评QCMD报告。报告显示,使用全组分冻干型新型冠状病毒核酸检测试剂(荧光PCR法)检测质评物,阴性符合率100%,阳性符合率100%——华银医药以"highly satisfactory"的评分圆满通过测评。
QCMD 2020 SARS-CoV-2 EQA Programme aims to assess laboratories in the molecular detection of SARS-CoV-2 at clinically appropriate levels, near the limit of detection of the assay as well as the specificity of molecular assay in the presence of other non-SARS coronaviruses.
* 0 (zero) is "highly satisfactory"
Tips 1
RIQAS is the world's largest External Quality Assessment scheme with more then 50,000 laboratory participants spanning over 139 countries.
Tips 2
Detection kit for 2019-nCoV RNA (Multiple RT-PCR Fluorescence Probing) (Lyophilised) can be transported at room temperature and CE certified.
There are more options for testing respiratory pathogen infections now. Please contact Jolene Qiu (sales01@huayinbio.net) if you want to know more information.
Looking forward to the upcoming year with great optimism!